Self Initiated
Techno/House Mixes
View All DJ Mixes. It’s been a while since I’ve recorded a mix. My eyes are on purchasing the Pioneer XDJ-RR so I can jump on and mess about rather than painstakingly planning mixes.
Uechi Ryu Karate
At the start of 2022 I joined Terry Daly’s club in East London, graded on March 6th and achieved my first belt. It’s a proper challenge for me, I suck at coordinating my body and remembering body movement routines. The rewards are worth the struggle. View notes and documentation page.
Web Design
The aughts in vogue, so I can call myself a Web Designer again. I document my journey and thinking behind making this website, plan out what is happening and aim to bring my hobbyist skills up a few notches from the 11 years of advancement since I last made websites for a living. Read more here.
A series of curated listings websites that capture objects, homeware and design practice.